With acanthus leaf protruding from the end of each cross bar, the naturalistic solid cast corpus depicted bearded and with his head tilted to the left, his eyes closed wearing a radiant crown and cloth, above him a cast plaque reading ‘INRI’ which stems from the Latin phrase ''Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum'' meaning ''Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews'' below him a cast skull and cross bones, in reference to the hill on which Jesus was crucified which was called "Golgotha," place of the skull, the crucifix raised on a graduating octagonal pedestal, each side joined by conforming acanthus leaf moulding, the lower section with scalloped apron. Purchased in the town of Seville, Southern Spain, renowned for the continuing tradition of its Catholic processions.
Provenance: Private Spanish Collection.
Condition: Overall in good condition.
Weight: 1877 grams.
Dimension: Height: 52 cm Width: 31 cm Depth: 21 cm.