In three sections, the shaped pediment with moulded cornice and turned finial over biochrome geometric inlay, the cupboard with two doors each with two open panels and double turned balusters, continuing to each side, the front panels bordered by guilloche, and outer border of foliated scrolls, the vargueno with single drop front door elaborately decorated with two arabesque inlaid panels, centred with a pierced iron escutcheon with crowned double headed eagle and confronted grotesques over lower panel with inlaid vase and flowers, opening to an arrangement of sixteen drawers with conforming inlaid panels framed by rippled ebonized moulding, the sides centred with substantial iron drop handle and mount in geometric inlaid pattern, the lower most cabinet with two long drawers over two cupboard doors with further elaborate Moorish inlay, each side with conforming geometric patterns, raised on six bun feet, the whole with original iron mounts.
Provenance: Private Spanish Collection.
Condition: In good condition.
Weight: Approximately 150 Kilograms.
Dimension: Height: 238.5 cm Width: 113 cm Depth: 45.5 cm.