Moulded to the exterior with overlapping lappets, covered in a crackled green glaze save for the foot area, with exhibition labels for Cape Town 1953, Radcliffe collection 'A28', Bluett & Sons and BADA.
Provenance: Lieutenant-Colonel Col. A.T. Le M. Utterson Collection, May 24th, 1946
Major Edward Copleston Radcliffe (1898-1967) collection and listed in the family archive, 'A28', as purchased from Bluett & Sons in 1945, for £38-0s- 0d, but listed in the Bluett archive as sold to Major Radcliffe on 31st May, 1946, for £45-0-0
Condition: Ring crack around base area of bowl, possibly in the firing.
Weight: Approximately 500 grams.
Dimension: Diameter: 16.5 cm.
Exhibition: National Gallery of South Africa, Chinese Exhibition, Cape Town, 1953, no. 61